Here Comes the Bus!

On Friday, October 22, the Houston Precinct 3 bus arrived at Zilss Hall in Winchester.  They came to see our quilt blocks.  Rhoda gave them a quick overview of how we paint quilt blocks.  They were thrilled to see the many quilt blocks we have hanging in the hall and quickly dubbed it the Quilt Block Museum!  After the tour, they grabbed their trail maps and loaded on the bus to tour the area and see all of the displayed blocks.  Of course a visit to Winchester wouldn't be complete without lunch at Murphys!

  • Hits: 1490

Winchester Area Civic Association, Inc.

8945 FM 153
Winchester, Texas 78945

Karen Kilian 979-966-7091
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Visit Winchester, Texas